Frequently Asked Questions
In The Begining...
!*Chinese Crested Rescue*!
What is a Chinese Crested?
"Hairy Hairless" vs. "True Hairless"
D'Nude's Present And Future
Health Issues in the Chinese Crested
Feeding Your Crested
Planned Breedings
Health Guarantee
Available Cresteds
Puppy Purchaser Questionnaire
Contact Us

D'Nude's Chinese Cresteds

This page lists the questions I hear most often from people who contact me regarding the Chinese Crested breed. I've added this page for convenience sake but as always, my email is always open to anyone with questions!

Lavender & White puppy from our 10-24-07 litter
D'Nude's Silver Knight X D'Nude's Leather And Lace

Q.) Is this breed really "hypoalergenic"?
A.) Yes and no. It depends on what type of allergy you have. For those that are alergic to dog dander - yes, this breed is an excellent choice as they do not have the dander associated with other breeds (both hairless and puff are dander-free) HOWEVER, if your allergy is a reaction to the PROTIENS found in canine saliva than this breed will affect you in the same way as any other canine. Saliva can come in contact with your skin and cause a reaction either from a direct "kiss" or from contact with any area of the dogs body s/he has licked during normal personal grooming. Your allergist can help you determine which allergy you are affected by - as will "trial by fire" (exposing yourself to the dog)
Q.) I am interested in a hairless Chinese Crested because I do not want to have to groom/ brush a dog. How often should my hairless get a bath?
A.) "Brush free" does not mean maintenance free. Though you will not have to worry about tangles or matts in the coat, the hairless does need frequent bathing. Unlike other dogs with hair to wick away dirt and skin secretions; the hairless must be bathed to remove daily accumulations, just like your own skin. What would happen to your face if it weren't washed often? It would break out in zits and blackheads - the same is true for the hairless. I personally shower with my hairless dogs each morning. It adds 5 minutes to my bathing routine and the result is a dog with soft, smooth, clean and blemish free skin. When they are clean, I toss them out of the shower to rub off on the towel I've placed on the floor for them. When I get out of the shower, I give them a quick rub with my own lotion and let them out of the bathroom to play while I finish my morning routine.
Q.) What special bath/ lotion products do you use for your dogs?
A.) I use no "special" products. I personally have quite sensitive skin - I use the same shampoo (which doubles as a body wash for the dogs) as I use on myself - right now, that happens to be Garnier Fructise Sleek & Shine - the added oils in this formulation do well for skin and hair alike. I use Johnsons adult 24 hour lotion on both myself and the dogs. Any good "sensitive skin" lotion is fine - just remember never to use any products with LANOLIN in them as many cresteds have an alergy to this substance. I also use St. Ive's Apricot scrub once per week to exfoliate the dogs skin, as I do my own face, to stave off blemishes/ blackheads and keep skin looking it's best.
Q.) What is the Powder Puff's coat like and how often should they be brushed/ bathed?
A.) The powder puff coat is dense and of medium length. (Look at Faboo or Lacey's pictures for an example of an adult puff coat) It requires brushing from head to toe about twice per week. I bathe my dogs weekly, but a bath once or twice a month for a companion dog combined with twice weekly brushing is more than adequate.
Q.) Which personality is better? Male or female?
A.) A dogs' personality comes from many factors - one of the least contributors to that personailty is gender! Neither gender is more outgoing or affectionate then the other. There are shy and outgoing dogs in both sexes. Temperament is largely affected by the upbringing the dog received; proper and thorough socialization by the breeder is key, especially in this breed. Choose a dog by it's individual personality - the sex of a dog should not be a factor, most especially when choosing a companion dog. Also, a dog that is altered (spayed or neutered) at 6 months as is recomended by responsible breeders and veterinarians alike (as well as the AKC) will never develope the secondary sexaul charictarsitics that people may associate with personality of "male" and "female" dogs.
Q.) I'm looking for a "Tea-Cup" Crested. Do you have any tiny cresteds planned for future breedings?
A.) No. There is no such thing as a "tea-cup" anything. This is a term used as a sales tactic by irrisponsible breeders to entice buyers looking for a "pocket" or "purse" pet. A truly tiny specimen does come along occasionally, often due to genetic anomalies that may also contribute to poor health and short life span. Purposefully breeding for "tiny" or "tea-cup" cresteds in the "under 10 inch/ under 5 Lb" range is irresponsible, against the breed standard and not something any reputable, resonsible, ethical breeder would intentionally do. The standard for the Chinese Crested states the ideal dog is 11 - 13 inches in height but that dogs slightly under or over are acceptable and to be given equal consideration. Be wary of any "breeder" offering a "tea-cup" chinese crested (especially if the price is atronomical in comaprison to "normal" cresteds) Soemthing else to be aware of is that, often, dogs purchased as "tea-cups" who were indeed very small as puppies (most often a result of gestational prematurity) grow to be normal sized dogs, perhaps on the small end, but by no means "tea-cup". A standard tea cup, by the way, can contain only 4-6 ounces. The smallest of toy breed canine adults on record is far larger than any tea cup!
Q.) What is the average lifespan of a Chinese Crested?
A.) The average lifespan of a healthy, well bred and well cared for Chinese Crested is 17-20 years. A reminder that purchasing a crested puppy is a long term commitment and a wonderful investment in loving, loyal companionship!
Q.) I've heard that Chinese Cresteds have alot of dental problems and that their teeth fall out. Is this true?
A.) Yes and No. Powder Puffs have teeth as normal as any other canine and should have complete, well formed dentition in an even or scissors bite. With a hairless, it depends on how they were bred and on the pedigree behind them. Educated Chinese Crested breeders know that if a hairless is bred to a hairless, generation after generation, without the inclusion of powder puffs and without careful attention paid to the dentition itself, that hairless puppies will be produced that have poor and failing dentition. Part of the gene mutation that causes the hairless characteristic also affects dentition if sincere care is not taken. Hairless Chinese Crsteds produced by careful breeding practices with powder Puffs used frequently throught each generation will have sound and solid dentition lasting that animal throughout it's life with the use of regular dental cleanings - as with any dog (and any person, for that matter) This is one area where careful choice of your breeder is as important as careful choice of your puppy.
Q.) Do you perform any health testing on parent animals and do you offer a written health guarantee for puppies you place?
A.) YES!!! Health testing is a very important part of responsible breeding. Health testing documentation and information can be found on each of our dogs individual pages. Health testing details are listed below the first picture on each dogs individual page and documentation is accessed by clicking on the dogs first picture at the top of their page. Our health guarantee is long term and comprehensive and covers any puppy or dog that we place. Our health guarantee can be found in the menu bar of this website. For more information on health issues that commonly affect this breed, please visit the "Health Issues In Cresteds" page of this website.

Thadius Bear form our 10-24-07 Litter.
D'Nude's Silver Knight X D'Nude's Leather And Lace (litter brother to the girl pictures above!)

Life without a dog is like dancing without music. You CAN do it, but WHY?